Ancestors of


Louis W. Gill

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 9 Jan 1890 6
          Death: 7 Feb 1933 6
 Cause of Death: 

Spouses and Children
1. *Ida Jenkins
       Marriage: 30 Jul 1916 - Livingston Parish, Louisiana 6
                1. William Thomas Gill

Per 1920 US Census: 3/24/1920, 4th Ward, Livingston Parish, Louisiana
Louis W. Gill is a 28 year old white male farmer, owns his home with a mortgage, and was born in Louisiana, as were his parents. His wife is 22 year old Ida, also of Louisiana, as were her parents. They have two Louisiana born children: a son, Wilton, 6 months old; and a daughter, Marguerite, 1 year old.

Per 1930 US Census: 4/16/1930, 4th Ward, Livingston Parish, Louisiana
Louis Gill is a 38 year old white male, a farmer on a truck farm. He rents his home on a farm. Born in Louisiana, as were his parents, he is not a veteran. His wife, Ida, is 33 years old and was also born in Louisiana, as were her parents. When they married, Louis was 27 and Ida was 19. The have 3 children, all born in Louisiana: 12 year old daughter Magarite (sp per census); 10 year old son, Wilton; and 8 year old son W. T.
Also living with the family is Louis's aunt, 66 year old Permillia Riggins, a widow who first married at age 23.
Living nearby is Ida's brother, Henry Z. Jenkins and his family.

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